Standards for Pharmacies

Since 2007, PSI has primarily used the legal provisions of the Pharmacy Act 2007 and the Regulation of Retail Pharmacy Businesses Regulations 2008 (as amended) to regulate pharmacies. While these provisions, which are focused on conformance with requirements, continue to apply, we are now supplementing these with outcome-based Standards which are intended to define what good performance looks like in pharmacies.

In international settings, it is recognised that the implementation, and monitoring compliance with standards has an impact on improvements in quality and safety in healthcare. The implementation of these Standards aim to promote responsibility and accountability for the quality and safety of services provided in pharmacies. The Standards are informed by approaches adopted both nationally and internationally, so that they can promote healthcare that is up to date, effective and reliable. The Standards will inform the public as to the standard of care and professionalism which they can expect to receive from a registered pharmacy – evidence that safe systems of care are in place and that these operate within clear accountability structures. These Standards will also help pharmacies identify gaps within the provision of their pharmacy services and the provision of a safe working environment for staff.

The PSI Council has agreed to develop standards for pharmacies. The Accountability and Governance Standards project is currently on hold, but information on the engagement process so far is available by clicking on the image below.

Accountability & Governance Standards for Pharmacies